I have been living in Jakarta for the past year, and am truly amazed at how much time people spend in shopping malls! Jakarta is a great city to explore, and is an excellent launching point for a number of cities in Java. Here is a sample of things to come!
Driving Day Trips
- Jatiluhur Reservoir (relaxing on a boat trip to a floating village)
- Puncak Pass (meandering through a tea plantation on horseback and enjoying the wild side at Taman Safari)
- Sukabumi (white knuckled white water rafting)
Train Weekends
- Bogor (botanical gardens and wayang kulit)
- Bandung (mountain air and angklungs)
- Cirebon (batik, mountains, and history)
- Solo
2-3 Day Plane Weekends
- Surabaya (history, kratek and bridge to another world)
- Malang (temples, volcano, and beautiful tree-lined streets)
- Jogjakarta (history and culture, and your inner hippie)